Cotton on Quick at Trewater

Branson   (DOB 15.9.2002)


( 3 years)
Gatchells Jazz Player JW  ex Chloe's Favourite Place

Owner: M. Engstler-Anderson

BVA/KC hip-score 5:7
(equals hips-B)

clear BVA eye-certificate



 14 months

BRANSON came to our house at the age of approximately 13 months. I met him first in march 2003 at Jane Clarks house. He was just 6 months old; a cute, cuddly and lively youngster who already knew how to make friends. Immediately I "fell in love" with him and he felt comfortable beeing with me. Jane noticed this magical feeling and 6 Months later Branson moved to Austria, to live with the rest of the Ganwales dogs.

Because of his marvellous temperament and lovely character he right away found his way into our family.... and my heart. Branson is an easy going dog, making no problems at all. Going after his dummy is his favourite thing and every single minute a day he gives me his love, always willing to please !   

I had big hopes and great plans for the future with him, but nature had different things planned.

Summer 2004: Unfortunately I will not be able to breed with Branson. . His health clearance "OCD at the elbow" came like a stroke and I was shocked. I never expected something like that, as this boy has a lovely movement, never showed any signs of pain. Normally dogs with OCD have to be operated on and have to live a live with not much exercise. Branson was lucky, very lucky. He has a very seldom type of OCD which wont cause him any problems in his future life.

Branson could have passed a lot of positive things to his progeny. He is a golden retriever of "the old type", like I always call him. It is too bad, that he never will get the chance to prove his quality !

I desided, that he shall stay at the Ganwales kennel, always with me and beeing my buddy to show me every day.....


18 months
BRANSON, my dearest friend

Jazz Player JW


For a larger version - pleas click on the photo

Mindaro Nawlins Jazz
Amberland Sky-Hi JW CH Gatchells Sky at Night
Outshine Contessa
Mindaro Rosalind CH Meant to be at Moorquest
Mindaro Razzle Dazzle
Silversky Sundancer by Gatchells Ch.Gatchells Sky at Night CH Camrose Fabius Tarquin
Gatchells Super Kay
Seruilia Sica Sue of Silversky CH Gaineda Consolidator of Sansue
Ritzilyn Lizzy Dripping of Seruilia
Chloe's Favourite Place

click on the image for a larger version

Trewater Trick O'The Light
CH Ritzilyn Cockney Robin  8:6 Amirene King Eider of Davern
Ritzilyn Tickled Pink
CH Lovehayne Elisha of Trewater  6:7 CH Ninell Rambruen
CH Lovehayne Beteazle
Bolberry Indian Ink
Moorquest Muggson 3:3 CH Moorquest Mugwump
Moorquest over the Moon
Bolberry Fast and Loose 6:7 Bolberry Chaconne at Moorquest
Bolberry Musk Thistle


"Branson's first retrieving lesson with Jane at the river "
march 2003

6 months


    5 Monate 6 Monate
10 Wochen  10 Wochen 13 Monate
...und schon voll im Ganwales-Rudel aufgenommen Branson (Mitte) genießt die Mittagssonne mit Luna (links) und Sadie (rechts), Wales im Juli 2003

...funny boy !



1/2004 Spezialzuchtschau Herrenberg (D):
Excellent (Juniorclass)
12/2003 Weihnachtsausstellung Wettingen (CH):
Excellent (Juniorclass)
Judge: Mrs. Richardson (GB) "Darrochonna"
12/2003 IHA Wels:
Excellent 3 (Juniorclass)
Mrs. Mjelde (N)
11/2003 Bundessieger Tulln:
Excellent 3 (Juniorclass)
Judge: M.Blaha (A)